Month: December 2020

  • How I Learn

    This is a little insight into how I approach learning new things. I hope it’s helpful for anyone taking on a new challenge in 2021. I’ll be starting with memory, speed cubing, and trying to chip away at my 1 kilometre run time. For every discipline I take on in my One Day Like This…

  • Beating the Plateaus

    Beating the Plateaus

    Most of us who take up a hobby have this shared experience. Especially those of us who turn out to be good at whatever that hobby is, maybe start competing. Or at the very least pushing ourselves to see how good we can get. At some point we reach a plateau. We hit that level…

  • A Year in Mind and Body

    Last time I talked about the strange direction/lack of direction Rogue Interrobang has taken this year. This time I want to talk about my more personal challenges. I will be talking about weight loss and exercise. One thing I have found is that while my mind has at times slowed to a standstill, and at…

  • Covid and Uncomfortable Choices about Customer Community

    The problem with being a disabled business owner who wants to change the world and build a business to a level where it makes a more comfortable life possible, at least for one’s immediate family, is a stark one that has really hit home this year. All businesses need customers. But this year has made…