Month: January 2021

  • Co-working Alone: Tomorrow’s Shared Work Spaces

    Co-working Alone: Tomorrow’s Shared Work Spaces

    Do you long to get back to the hustle and bustle of an office? Or are you hoping that your employer will have realised the value of allowing people to spend more of their time working at home? If you are like me, then your answer is probably along the lines of, “Both. And neither.”…

  • An Open Access Manifesto for Training the Body

    Every body is different; every body has different needs; every person has different desires, aspirations, and potential for their body; Whatever those needs, aspirations, desires, and potentials are the means to train the body to attain them should be freely available to all. Societies should do everything possible to ensure every form of exercise available…

  • Turning Inward

    Turning Inward

    I’ve put off writing about my progress training for the One Day challenge for a couple of weeks now because I just couldn’t find the right way in. There are so many things I want to capture – what it is I’m finding hard, without suggesting I’m hard done by or failing to acknowledge the…

  • Going Forward by Going Back: My First Press Up at 49

    This is something I talked about recently. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to why it is that I reach sticking points I just can’t get past, and one tactic I’ve decided to try this year is to take a step right back and begin again from the start with some of the things…